
Clipboard Dialog

To access these settings, select Options | Preferences | Preferences | Clipboard from the main menu in OneTouch®.

These settings control the behavior of the Clipboard while using OneTouch:


Display message - when enabled bm0, this setting causes a "Successfully copied" message to be displayed each time you copy an item to the Clipboard. When disabled bm1, no message is displayed.

Append mode - when enabled bm0, this setting allows multiple text items to be copied to the Clipboard without losing previously copied items. See How to Copy and Paste for detailed information about this invaluable enhancement to the Clipboard.

Confirm multiple clear - when enabled bm0, this setting asks you to confirm any time you attempt to clear the Clipboard when it contains multiple items. When disabled bm1, no confirmation is requested.

Confirm append - when enabled bm0, this setting asks you to confirm any time you attempt add something to the Clipboard when it already contains something. When disabled bm1, no confirmation is requested.

Provide RTF - when enabled bm0, OneTouch® makes RTF (Rich Text Format) data available for everything copied to the Clipboard. RTF is a means of copying text with colors, fonts, and other advanced attributes for use in Microsoft Word. When disabled bm1, the program does not provide RTF to the clipboard.

Interlinear full verse - This feature is not currently available.

Copy font color - when enabled bm0, OneTouch® includes color in RTF (Rich Text Format) data available for everything copied to the clipboard. This has no effect if "Provide RTF" is disabled. When disabled bm1, OneTouch® provides all text in monochrome (black and white).

Provide plain text - when enabled bm0, OneTouch® provides "plain" text when things are copied to the Clipboard. That means that no font changes, colors, or other attributes are copied to the clipboard. When disabled bm1, OneTouch® doesn't provide plain text to the clipboard. Note: it is possible to include both RTF and plain text to the clipboard. In that case, the program you paste text into will use whichever format it understands. For instance, Microsoft word would use RTF, but Notepad would use plain text.

Include language tags - when enabled bm0, OneTouch® includes text that will help Biblesoft® Word Macros to convert plain text on the Clipboard into Greek and/or Hebrew fonts. When disabled bm1, OneTouch® doesn't provide this information in the text.

Click here to return to Options | Preferences | Preferences.