
Hints Dialog

To access these settings, select Options | Preferences | Preferences | Hints from the main menu in OneTouch®.

These settings control the "tool tips" (also known as "fly-by hints", or "popup hints") that appear when you hold the mouse cursor over any button in OneTouch®.


Enabled - When this setting is enabled bm0, tool tips will appear when the mouse cursor is held over any button in OneTouch® for the period of time specified in the Delay setting. When this option is disabled bm1, tool tips will not be displayed in OneTouch®.

Delay - This setting specifies the amount of time, in seconds, that the mouse cursor must be held over a button before its tool tip will be displayed. Note that you can specify tenths, or even hundredths, of seconds by including a decimal point. For example, the setting pictured above, "0.5", sets the delay to "one half of a second."

Click here to return to Options | Preferences | Preferences.

Also see:

Hints Dialog (Advanced).