Click this button to view a dialog box that will enable you to easily specify (and go to) a new reference in the current reference work.
Organize Reference Works Dialog
(Note: One of the most common actions effected through this dialog is changing your default Bible version. The default reference work in any category (Bibles, Topics, Commentary, and so forth) is the first one. So, you change the default by moving the desired reference work to be first in the order for that category, as detailed in the section, "Set the Order of Reference Works (Including Defaults)," below. Another easy way to change the default Bible version is to run the @38003, accessed by selecting Options from the OneTouch main menu, then selecting the Setup Helper… option. @38003 provide access to many of the most commonly used customization features available in OneTouch®.)
This dialog (accessed by selecting Options | Reorganize Existing Material…) is used to organize the reference works in your OneTouch library. There are four essential aspects of organizing your library:
1)You can set the order of reference works within each of the categories. (Note: The first item in each category is also used as the default reference work. In other words, the one that is accessed automatically unless you specify otherwise.)
2)You can reorganize reference works by moving them between categories and even creating (or removing) subcategories. For example, you might organize Book-type reference works by author or by subject. You can even create subcategories within subcategories.
3)You can rename reference works, categories, or subcategories.
4)You can remove reference works from the library—either permanently or temporarily.
Also note that you can undo these changes (with the exception of Delete and Delete Reference Work), using the Restore and Restore All functions. To restore a single reference work (or category or subcategory) to its orginal name and location within the library, expand the outline control to see the desired item, click on it, then click the Restore button (located in the lower-right corner of the Organize Reference Works dialog). To restore all reference works (and categories and subcategories) to their original names and locations within the library, click the Restore All button (located in the lower-right corner of the Organize Reference Works dialog).
All available reference works in your library are displayed in an outline control on the left side of this dialog. Click the "+" symbol to the left of any category (or subcategory) to display the next level of detail. Or click the "- "symbol to "collapse" or "hide" details. (Note: Selecting the "- "symbol will "collapse" or "hide" all subcategories within the selected category or subcategory.)
Set the Order of Reference Works (Including Defaults)
The order of reference works determines both how they are listed in the Navgiaton Panel and the order in which they will appear when using the next/previous capability (when viewing a specific verse, article, and so forth). Also, the first item within any category is used as the default (in other words, the one that is accessed automatically unless you specify otherwise).
To change the order of reference works within any category or subcategory begin by expanding its listing so that you can see the desired reference works (by clicking on the "+" symbol to the left of the category or subcategory). Click on the reference work that you want to move. Then, either hold down the left mouse button and drag the reference work to the desired position (releasing the mouse button at the desired insertion point) or, from the keyboard hold down the Alt key and use the up and down arrow keys (while the Alt key is still held down) to move it to the desired location.
Reorganize Reference Works
You can move reference works from one category (or subcategory) to another, create (or delete) subcategories, and even create subcategories within subcategories.
To move a reference work, expand the outline control so that the desired reference work is visible. Click on the reference work, then click the Move button (located at the bottom of the Organize Reference Works dialog). A menu of all available categories and subcategories will appear. Select the desired location and click the OK button to complete the move, or click the Cancel button to cancel the move action.
To create a new subcategory, expand the outline control so that you can see the category (or subcategory) where the new subcategory will reside, then click that category (or subcategory). Click the Create Sub-category button (located at the bottom of the Organize Reference Works dialog), then enter the name of the new subcategory.
To delete an existing subcategory, expand the outline control so that you can see the subcategory. Click on the unwanted subcategory. Then click the Delete button (located a the bottom of the Organize Reference Works dialog). (Caution: Deleting a subcategory that contains one or more reference works will also cause those reference works to be deleted.)
Rename Reference Works, Categories, or Subcategories
To rename a reference work, expand the outline control so that you can see the desired reference work. Right-click on the reference work. Select Rename from the pop-up menu, then enter the new name.
To rename a category or subcategory, expand the outline control so that you can see the desired category or subcategory. Click the Rename button (located at the bottom of the Orgnize Reference Works dialog), or right-click on the category or subcategory and select Rename from the pop-up menu. Then enter the new name.
Delete or Hide Reference Works
You can remove a reference work from your OneTouch library permanently (delete) or temporarily (hide). (Note: Since files residing on a CD cannot actually be deleted, the delete action on a CD-based reference work is identical to the "hide" action.)
To physically and permanently delete the selected reference work from your OneTouch library, expand the outline control so that the reference work is visible. Click on the reference work. Then click the Delete Reference Work button (located in the lower-right portion of the Organize Reference Works dialog).
To virtually and temporarily remove the selected reference work from your OneTouch library (in other words, "hide" it), expand the outline control so that the reference work is visible. Click on the reference work. Then click the Hide Reference Work button (located in the lower-right portion of the Organize Reference Works dialog). (Note: You can "unhide" a hidden reference work from the Options | Preferences | Reference Works dialog.)